Friday, May 14, 2021

Treatment Options for Wooden Floors


 Hardwood floors are a safe and environmentally friendly coating that creates a comfortable indoor climate. Natural wood, unlike plastics, has a pleasant forest aroma and does not give off any toxic substances. The tree is characterized by its durability. Durability and aesthetic appearance. It feels pleasant and has a positive effect on human health. It promotes the renewal of oxygen and ensures a pleasant atmosphere in the apartment.


·       Durable and reliable coating

·       Long life


Safety and respect for the environment. The material does not emit hazardous substances and does not cause allergies. In contrast, a tree has a positive effect on the condition and mood of a person.


·       Good heat and sound insulation

·       Wear resistance and repair ability. If necessary, you can easily replace damaged areas of the floor.

 Experts recommend selecting only logs for the completion of huts and cottages so as not to disturb the aesthetics and respect the environment of the room. Like a wooden floor in a log cabin, choose solid or standard wood flooring, parquet and laminate flooring, cork flooring. Incidentally, this last option is excellent isolation. To find out more about the completion of the floor in a wooden house.

 Despite its positive qualities, wood needs protection and treatment. Natural raw materials are subject to the harmful effects of moisture and insects. Without special support, the coating will gradually crack and rot. Protective mixtures and slip resistance floor treatment protect living material from such problems. They not only extend the useful life, but also improve the appearance of the soil.

 Today there are many different products, including paints, paints and wax. Wax is rarely used today. It contains beeswax, linseed oil and other additives in small quantities. This composition is characterized by its moisture resistance, but does not provide effective protection against mechanical damage, including bumps on the heel, furniture marks, etc. Treat a wooden floor.

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