Should you buy or rent an RV? If you are new to the RV lifestyle, I strongly suggest you rent or borrow an RV for at least a weekend or two and see if it works for you. This will also allow you to try different types of RVs to see which one fits your lifestyle and find out if you like RVing at all. RVs don't come cheap and they can be fairly expensive to maintain. The last thing you want to do is spend a lot of your savings or take on a big vehicle loan for something you will seldom use or that doesn't fit your needs. If you buy an RV and don't use it you can count on losing part of your investment when you sell it.
everyone is cut out for RVing. Of course, you
if don't particularly like driving in the first place, moving up to driving an RV
would be a major adjustment.
Now, lets say, you've decided you like RVing. Should you buy one or continue to rent? The pure economics may help you make that decision. Take into consideration how often and for how long you will use your RV and how can you arrange R.V servicing. If you will be using in for only occasional, short outings a few times a year or less, renting may be a lot cheaper than buying. If you are going to use your RV extensively or someday even think of living it full time, you probably should consider buying.
It is convenient to have it always
ready and to have it stored at home where we could pack up and go anytime we
wanted to. It was also very nice to have
almost everything already on board. In
my case it was the convenience that was the main deciding factor, along with
frequent use. Owning made more sense
than renting. If you own your own RV you
can customize it to suit your wants and needs.
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