Monday, September 6, 2021

Eutrophication & Its Causes




A process in which nutrients and sediments from near water or environment enter into a waterbody and increase in its fertility and make it shallower. But due to human activities and other reason this natural process gets faster and cause aging of lakes and making it less recreative for sustaining life due to more algal blooms and plant growth.




A process in which nutrients and sediments from near water or environment enter into a waterbody and increase in its fertility and make it shallower. But due to human activities and other reason this natural process gets faster and cause aging of lakes and making it less recreative for sustaining life due to more algal blooms and plant growth.



Eutrophication is actually the aging process of lakes which is natural. The natural eutrophication occurs after thousands of years when the lake gets old but human speed up this process by discharging the nutrients into the lakes which cause Lake Eutrophication.

The causes of Lake Eutrophication are:



When human keep on using nitrate and phosphate fertilizers on the golf courses, fields and on lawns these nutrients get washed by the rain water and runs into the rivers, lakes and oceans. The algae, plankton and the aquatic plants fed on them and through this they increase the photosynthetic activity. As a result algal blooms grow and increase in the plant life which results in Lake Eutrophication.


Animal Feeding Operations


Concentrated Animal Feeding operations discharge nutrient that easily find their way to the lakes, nearby water bodies, rivers and oceans and there they accumulate causing the production of algal Blooms and Cyanobacteria.


Sewage and Industrial Water Discharge


Sewage water system and hand pumps are not very advanced in the developing countries, they discharge their water directly into oceans, lakes and river. The sewage water contains high amount of the different nutrients which cause the high growth of aquatic plants and nutrients which cause harm to the fishes and all the aquatic animals. The same results are with the discharge of industrial waste water. It shows the same outcomes because it contains large amount of chemical nutrients which causes Lake Eutrophication.




The Aquiculture is the technique to grow the fishes, aquatic plants and shell fishes in the controlled environment without soil which contains nutrients for their growth. If the Aquiculture is not properly managed this can cause lake eutrophication. The nutrients and the food particles which are not fully consumed along with the fish excretion when discharged in the water bodies it causes the synthesis of Algal blooms and the microscopic floating plant.


Natural Events


Some of the natural events like flood causes the flow of nutrients from the land to the water bodies and cause the growth of algal blooms.


Reduction of Self Purification Capacity


When the lakes grow old over the years, they accumulate the large quantity of sediments (solid material transported by water). These sediments are able to absorb nutrients and pollutants. Over time these sediments start filling the basin and increase the interaction of water with these sediments which causes the resuspension of nutrients that are present at the bottom is facilitated. This harms the water quality and cause lake eutrophication.


Accumulation of Inorganic Contents


The process of eutrophication happens due to phytoplankton and inorganic nutrients accumulation in the water body. Inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, play an active role in the process. Some of this nutrient accumulation is caused by periodic flooding and rains, which bring different type of chemicals to the water. However, the main culprit for spread inorganic chemicals is human interference, including run-off from lawns or fertilizer manufacturers. The introduction of nitric and phosphoric acids makes the environment a temporarily acidic nutrient haven for plant life. Eutrophication is actually the aging process of lakes which is natural. The natural eutrophication occurs after thousands of years when the lake gets old but human speed up this process by discharging the nutrients into the lakes which cause Lake Eutrophication.

The causes of Lake Eutrophication are:




When human keep on using nitrate and phosphate fertilizers on the golf courses, fields and on lawns these nutrients get washed by the rain water and runs into the rivers, lakes and oceans. The algae, plankton and the aquatic plants fed on them and through this they increase the photosynthetic activity. As a result algal blooms grow and increase in the plant life which results in Lake Eutrophication.


Animal Feeding Operations


Concentrated Animal Feeding operations discharge nutrient that easily find their way to the lakes, nearby water bodies, rivers and oceans and there they accumulate causing the production of algal Blooms and Cyanobacteria.


Sewage and Industrial Water Discharge


Sewage water system is not very advanced in the developing countries, they discharge their water directly into oceans, lakes and river. The sewage water contains high amount of the different nutrients which cause the high growth of aquatic plants and nutrients which cause harm to the fishes and all the aquatic animals. The same results are with the discharge of industrial waste water. It shows the same outcomes because it contains large amount of chemical nutrients which causes Lake Eutrophication.




The Aquiculture is the technique to grow the fishes, aquatic plants and shell fishes in the controlled environment without soil which contains nutrients for their growth. If the Aquiculture is not properly managed this can cause lake eutrophication. The nutrients and the food particles which are not fully consumed along with the fish excretion when discharged in the water bodies it causes the synthesis of Algal blooms and the microscopic floating plant.


Natural Events


Some of the natural events like flood causes the flow of nutrients from the land to the water bodies and cause the growth of algal blooms.


Reduction of Self Purification Capacity


When the lakes grow old over the years, they accumulate the large quantity of sediments (solid material transported by water). These sediments are able to absorb nutrients and pollutants. Over time these sediments start filling the basin and increase the interaction of water with these sediments which causes the resuspension of nutrients that are present at the bottom is facilitated. This harms the water quality and cause lake eutrophication.


Accumulation of Inorganic Contents


The process of eutrophication happens due to phytoplankton and inorganic nutrients accumulation in the water body. Inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, play an active role in the process. Some of this nutrient accumulation is caused by periodic flooding and rains, which bring different type of chemicals to the water. However, the main culprit for spread inorganic chemicals is human interference, including run-off from lawns or fertilizer manufacturers. The introduction of nitric and phosphoric acids makes the environment a temporarily acidic nutrient haven for plant life.

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